"Growth hormone is very beneficial to the immune system," according to the team. 而生长激素正是对免疫系统有着极大促进作用的一种荷尔蒙。
Insulin-like growth factor is a protein that is released from the liver in response to growth hormone. 类胰岛素生长因子是人体肝脏在生长激素的作用下分泌出的一种蛋白质。
Animal protein increases IGF-1, an insulin-like growth hormone, and chronic inflammation, an underlying factor in many chronic diseases. 动物蛋白增加了胰岛素样生长激素IGF-1和慢性炎症,后者是很多慢性疾病的潜在成因。
Growth hormone is naturally produced by the pituitary gland, a pea-sized organ at the base of the brain. 生长激素是通过大脑基底部一个豌豆大小的器官脑下垂体自然产生的。
The researchers will next examine growth hormone and weight training in women who are using oral contraceptives. 研究者会研究生长激素和负重训练变化关系在口服避孕药妇女中的表现。
Relationship between Hyperthyroidism and Glucose Metabolism and Serum Growth Hormone 甲状腺功能亢进症与糖代谢和生长激素的关系
Genetic Effects of Prolactin ( PRL) and Growth Hormone ( GH) Genes on Egg Performance in Gaoyou Duck 催乳素(PRL)和生长激素(GH)基因对高邮鸭产蛋性能的遗传效应分析
Growth hormone also plays a role in fighting tissue breakdown, staving off stress fractures and improving metabolic function. 生长激素在对抗阻止分解、应力断裂和提高新陈代谢功能中也发挥作用。
Influence of growth hormone secretion in children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. 儿童阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征对生长激素分泌的影响。
Clinical control study on effect of growth hormone on glucose metabolism 生长激素对糖代谢影响的临床对照研究及护理
Effect of Short-Term Administration of Growth Hormone on Serum IGF-1 and Nutritional Status in Patients after Gastrointestinal Surgery 生长激素短期应用对胃肠外科手术后患者营养状况和血清IGF-1的影响
Objective To evaluate the effect of growth hormone on cardiac function. 目的探讨生长激素对心功能的作用。
Based on this observational study alone, the risk cannot be associated with certainty to the growth hormone treatment. 单独基于这个观察研究,不能确定这个风险与使用促生长激素治疗有关。
Somatropin is used to treat a number of conditions associated with a lack of growth hormone and short stature. 促生长激素被用来治疗一系列与生长激素缺乏和身材短小相关的症状。
Isolation, purification and characterization of growth hormone from Chinook salmon pituitary. 大鳞大马哈鱼垂体生长激素的分离、纯化与鉴定。
High Level Expression of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone Gene in Mammary Glands of Rabbits and Goats by Adenovirus 腺病毒介导重组人生长激素基因在兔和羊乳腺中高效表达的研究
The body can adapt and produce more or less of certain sizes of growth hormone with weight training. 机体可以根据负重训练改变和产生或多或少的一定大小的生长激素。
Research worldwide has shown that human growth hormone improves the declining levels of other hormones. 世界范围内的研究显示:人体生长激素改善了其他激素的下降水平。
Human growth hormone use rises legal? 人体生长激素使用上升合法吗?
The Effects of Growth Hormone Administration on the Circulation Level of ghrelin and IGF-ⅰ of the Trained Rats 外源生长激素对运动大鼠循环ghrelin和IGF-Ⅰ水平的影响
Ethylene is a growth hormone in plants. 乙烯是植物中一种生长荷尔蒙。
In this study, the larger sized growth hormone variants appear to increase with heavy resistance training. 本研究发现在增长重的抗力训练会产生长链的生长激素。
Effect of trivalent chromium on growth hormone secretion and pituitary mRNA expression in finishing pigs 三价铬对肥育猪生长激素分泌及垂体mRNA表达的影响
The Effects of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone on Albumin Synthesis Rate during Surgical Trauma and Intra-abdominal Infection 重组生长激素对手术创伤和腹腔感染时白蛋白合成率影响的研究
The Influence of Long-term Taijiquan Exercise on Testosterone/ Cortisol, Immunoglobulin and Growth Hormone for Aged Women 长期太极拳锻炼对老年女性血清睾酮/皮质醇、免疫球蛋白和生长激素的影响
Research Progress of Growth Hormone on the Regulation of Reproductive Function 生长激素对生殖功能调节的研究进展
Growth hormone, produced in the pituitary, plays an important role in bone and muscle development, particularly in women. 生长激素,垂体产生,在骨骼和肌肉生长中起重要作用,尤其是妇女。
Human adults given growth hormone have suffered from acromegaly ( excess bone growth) and carpal tunnel syndrome. 成年人给予生长激素,则会造成末端肥大(骨头过度生长)以及腕管综合症。